Linus Torvaldsが使用しているディストリビューションはFedora 9
Linus Torvalds, Geek of the Weekより一部改変して抜粋。
- Linus Torvalds
- I've used different distributions over the years. Right now I happen to use Fedora 9 on most of the computers I have, which really boils down to the fact that Fedora had fairly good support for PowerPC back when I used that, so I grew used to it. But I actually don't care too much about the distribution, as long as it makes it easy to install and keep reasonably up-to-date. I care about the kernel and a few programs, and the set of programs I really care about is actually fairly small.
へー。昔は「SUSE Linuxを使ってる」と公言してましたよね。MicrosoftとNovellの蜜月に嫌気がさしたんでしょうか。まぁ彼が、我らのGentooを使うことはないでしょう。